Ron Kamis and Debora Plehn-Dujowich are happy to announce the formation of Prismatic Law Group, PLLC. We assist companies with intellectual property legal counseling with a focus on biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals.
Recent Activities
Ron Kamis Prismatic Law Group partner Ron Kamis was a panelist for the February 9th AIPLA webinar on patent licensing: Caught in a web – how the court in Kimble v. Marvel ruled on whether payment of royalties for an expired patent is unlawful per se.
Recent Activities
Debora Plehn Prismatic Law Group Partner Debora Plehn-Dujowich was featured in the AIPLA Committee Leadership Blog for her role as Chair of the AIPLA Biotech Committee. Click here to learn more.
Current Activities
Debora is currently attending the 29th WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources in Geneva, Switzerland as the AIPLA representative. For more info click here.